All animals both male and female, with the exception of calves sold at-foot, submitted for entry in an official society show and sale must be DNA tested and results lodged with the society prior to the sale date.

The test includes:

  • Animal (genotype) profile
  • Sire (SV) or parentage verification (PV)
  • Hypotrichosis

Note: If both parents of the sale animal are tested free of hypotrichosis, it will only be necessary to undertake a DNA (genotype) profile and parentage verification test.

Any animal found to be a carrier of hypotrichosis will be ineligible for sale.

To ensure the results are known by the sale date, DNA samples should be submitted at least eight weeks prior to close of entries of the sale

Hair samples must be:

  • Plucked to include approximately 60 good quality hair follicles.
  • Clean – if hair samples are not clean enough, a replacement sample will be requested, which will inevitably delay the process and the reporting of DNA results.

In any event, where new samples have to be re-taken and tested, the cost will be borne by the vendor.