Larry Feeney, the Irish Hereford Breed Society’s secretary was elected as secretary general of the World Hereford Council at the World Hereford Conference held in New Zealand earlier this month.
Larry will lead the council for the next four years, up to the next World Hereford Conference to be held in Kansas City, Missouri, USA in July 2024.
With over 30 years experience as breed secretary of the Irish Hereford Cattle Society, Larry has a wealth of knowledge and experience in agriculture, particularly in the pedigree breeding of Herefords. He has been a dedicated servant to the Irish Hereford Society and a great supporter of the breed in general.
The Hereford Cattle Society wishes Larry the very best of luck in his new and important role, in which he will be ably supported by the newly elected advisory and technical sub-committees.
The society would also like to thank out-going secretary general Jose ‘Pepe’ Bonico from Uruguay for his dedication and hard work over the past eight years.