Female champion, Pulham Pansy 15th from Philip and Laura Vincent, Norfolk

Pulham Pansy 15th from Philip and Laura Vincent, Norfolk was named female champion of the show. The Vincents’ heifer is no stranger to the National Hereford Show, having been junior female and reserve female champion in 2018 at the usual Tenbury Wells fixture.

It is out of Clipston Pansy R2, a female purchased from the Westways’ Clipston herd, which has had a heavy influence on the Vincents’ Pulham herd. The heifer is by Irish-bred Moyclare Malcolm, which has also had its own share of show success.

Judge Gary McKeirnan said: “Pulham Pansy 15th is a lovely sweet feminine heifer, which is well-marked with nice width. She has a good udder, lovely head and stands to attention.”

Male champion, Haven Lamborghini from EL Lewis and son, Herefordshire

Haven Lamborghini from EL Lewis and son, Herefordshire was a firm favourite among the bulls and was announced as male champion. This was a step-up from 2019 where the bull was awarded senior male champion at Tenbury Wells. It is out of Haven Splendour 25th and sired by Haven Cavalier, which was senior male champion at the National Hereford Show in 2010.

Judge Robert Clarke commented: “He is as long as a train, clean through his body and has a great presence about him.”

It was a clean sweep for the Vincents in the female section, with five year old cow, Pulham Dowager 2nd, gaining the reserve female championship title. By Canadian semen from SNS Generator 28X, it is out of Pulham Dowager 1st.

Reserve female champion, Pulham Dowager 2nd, from Philip and Laura Vincent

Philip and Laura Vincent had further success with their young Irish-bred stock bull Shiloh-Farm Elite selected as reserve male champion. Bred by Hugh Murray and his daughter Sarah, it was the Vincents’ champion when judging Longford Show, Ireland in 2018 before its subsequent purchase.

After sorting the cattle, judging panellists, Brent and Anna Fisher said: “The breeders should be really proud of their cattle. It is really heartening to see such great Herefords and it excites us as Hereford breeders to know there are many tremendous animals out there.”

Reserve male champion, Shiloh-Farm Elite, from Philip and Laura Vincent

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