Wednesday 9 August 2023

On 18th July 2023 at 9:00 am, an EGM was held at Hereford House 3 Offa Street, Hereford HR11 2LL. Members were in attendance both in person and virtually.


Changes were proposed ahead of the meeting via email, to encourage inclusivity and improve continuity within management as well as improve the expertise of the director – these changes were created alongside charity law.


In the interest of encouraging young members and widening the pool of members from which the directors could be appointed, it was agreed.

a) A youth Director, aged up to 26 years, would be appointed annually

b) The number of qualifying registrations for appointment as a director would be reduced, from 10 calves to one calf.

c) Persons representing member companies and partnerships would be eligible for appointment as directors.

d) Persons appointed to act as President, Chairperson & Vice Chairperson would be remunerated, (at the directors’ discretion) to recompensate them for their time and expense in carrying out their duties

e) Directors cannot serve for more than two consecutive terms of office (after 2023)


Alongside these changes to ensure continuity of management, under the current articles, the whole Council is obliged to retire every three years. In the interest of improved continuity, it has been agreed that directors representing the Areas will be appointed for four years. One director per Area will stand down every second year. By doing so half of the directors will remain in office to help with a smooth transition to the newly appointed directors. These transitional arrangements will apply from the election in 2023.


It was voted 81% in favour of passing the articles.


If you require the minutes of the EGM please email


The Hereford Cattle Society (a company limited by guarantee) Company number 12100 Registered Charity No 217428